Branded cups by Brendos, what you need to know, if you are entrepreneur.

branded-cups-show1Hey there, we all know that advertising and investments are the two key elements of any business, yet most of entrepreneurs forget about the little things in these two elements.

As far as advertising goes they focus on the big picture (nothing wrong in my opinion) but the miss the little things that make their brand grow, like the simple paper cup, branded by Brendos – one of the leading company in terms of design and production of branded cups. You just need to follow this link -> and see what we are talking about and their work.

As far as investments goes most of the entrepreneurs focus on operations at first. They do all the work, accounting, marketing and promotion, sells calls, building relations with other firms and so on… Money is always tight, they always run out if cash fast, so it is key to stay focus on accounting.

Maybe branded paper cups (or any cups in that matter) are a good choice for hitting it big.
Lets just say that you start a beverage company (alcohol / non – alcohol) in most resources that you may find and can read says that one of the best places to start market and promotion is parties or major resorts like Las Vegas for example. Why? – the answer may be obvious to many of you – they party, so they drink a lot, in what cups they drink 90% of the time ? – BINGO they drink in paper / plastic cups and if you manage to brand and give for free to some club (yes, for free!) you will get publicity for free, right?

Your journey has just begun… The begging is always hard, but you have to pushing it and pushing it – out of your comfort zone, till you achieve something great! This is the dream – to have the green J

Many of your friends will ask you – Why you are doing such a thing, why you risk your money and a ton of time? Well for most entrepreneurs this is worth it – why? – Because they prefer to work 90-100 hour weeks till they 30ties and rest from then on… Sounds quite good, huh?

So in conclusion we have to point out again these guys Brendos – they are pretty amazing in terms of branded cups advertising.

All Best

Dkot5A Author